Developed for Pfizer Consumer Healthcare, this mobile game was released as a version 2 (or second season) iteration following the success of the multi-award winning original My Pharmacy Rules. In this version we stripped out the clutter, added revised layouts, implemented a new competition structure, added tag-based leaderboards, implemented new gameplay elements (such as the chocolate wheel and game boosters) and improved performance of the app quite considerably.
Another addition to the app that on face value no-one will notice, is the integration of a remotely deployed language file which allows us to update copy without going through the lengthy app approval process. It also allows us to streamline the translation process for deploying to non-English speaking regions; this app was translated to Italian and redistributed to Pfizer Italy under the name "Value Master Game".
This app was developed for use on iPhone, iPad and Android devices and delivered from the same codebase.
As lead developer, I created the entire codebase (with exception to Adobe Air and the Starling GPU Framework which is leveraged upon), came up with the sound effects, music and user experience design. UI was mostly designed inhouse at 3RD Sense to adhere to the strict Pfizer brand guidelines, however it was up to me to apply animation, transitions, treatment and application flow. I also designed some components but my primary focus was on development, deployment, testing and distribution.
As lead developer, I created the entire codebase (with exception to Adobe Air and the Starling GPU Framework which is leveraged upon), came up with the sound effects, music and user experience design. UI was mostly designed inhouse at 3RD Sense to adhere to the strict Pfizer brand guidelines, however it was up to me to apply animation, transitions, treatment and application flow. I also designed some components but my primary focus was on development, deployment, testing and distribution.
Developed by: 3RD Sense Pty Ltd
Client: Pfizer Consumer Healthcare
Released: February 1st, 2016
Project URL's